Tuesday 30 August 2011

A gust of August.

More like a blast actually.

SO much has happened, which explains the lack of updates.

Sniper had his first trial August 13-14 (I think). He was such an awesome baby dog. Outside and inside the ring. We had some minor errors, all my fault of coarse, but nothing we can not learn from. He did get his first Q in Gamblers though, with 74 points in the opening. He also ran two Jumpers, one where I changed my plan mid coarse causing a refusal. His other one I slipped and he ticked a bar and also had a refusal. Snooker was so pretty. Got 3 7`s and went into the closing but took a tunnel first in a jump tunnel jump combo, which was the last 4 points we needed. Darn. No video because my camera broke, which saddens me. Super, Super happy with him though.

He also some how magically measure at 21". Which I took as strange, so he ran 22" this trial, more then likely he will measure into 26" later, but I thought 22" would be fine for a first show.


I have also been really working on Snipers contacts. They are slowly coming along, but the lack of field time is not helping. They are much improved, and I can`t wait to get him back out to the field, even though it may be a while.

Moving on Saturday to start my college adventure with my two boys. So excited, but really nervous. Agility will be on the back burner, but I hope to do a few trials before the end of the year.

(Taken with Webcam since I have no camera)

Thursday 4 August 2011

Coming Along... Eventually.

Have put a lot of work into Sni's 2 on 2 off position since he was a wee dude. I decided he performance just was not what I wanted, so I decided to retrain it completely.

This time around what I would do differently is shape the wanted position (in front no matter my position and reaching out ahead) with drive and speed with indenpendance.

Started really slow and close to him, then gradually distance and position of me changed and he still worked to get to his position.

Here is video of Day 2:

Friday 22 July 2011

Sniper Goes Green

Ten minute shaping session turned into puppy obsessing over throwing away trash.

What a cool dude, even in the muggy-ness he was happy to work. Didn't stay outside more then ten minutes though, air conditioning is good.

Love him!

Thursday 21 July 2011

Fried Green Border Collies

There has been a lot that I have had to deal with lately. I'm moving out in a few short months, and I don't even have an apartment yet. No job. No money. Ho Hum. Also having to deal with the passing of my childhood dog, not too long ago.

So much is changing so quickly, it really makes me think about everything all at once. Its quite overwhelming at times and I find myself lost in thoughts. Motivation is also hard to come by.

A few days ago I decided to go out an adventure with Sniper. Explore places I had yet to adventure through. i found myself on a bike path, just of a main road near my house. Me and the dude walked for a good 3 hours along this path and through other trails that branched off of the main one.

The time I spent on the trail gave me a lot of time to just think. I realized how much has really changed. For one, I had a different dog. A very different one. Ollie wasn't with us, he was with my dad at the time. I also thought about how my morals have changed. My goals, my likes, and the people I like to be around. I'm just a whole lot of different.

I took a break on a bench, continued on with thoughts. I thought about agility, and how much it means to me. It is so much more then the sport I was first introduced too. I find myself always looking for ways to improve, new foundation games, reworking old ones. I constantly analyze Sniper in every way. He is coming along nicely, but we have much to work on. I have made mistakes in his raising, but nothing I can't learn from for my next puppy. Just as I was going over this in my mind, I realized Sniper had gone off on his own exploring, I called him back so we could continue on with our walk. A few second later a GREEN border collie comes to my feet. He was entirely covered in green burs. I laughed and gave him a pat.

At that moment I realized just how much this beast meant to me. He is all I could have hoped for, yet nothing I wanted when I was looking for a puppy. However, he has become what I needed most...

Comic Relief.

Stay Cool. Its really freaking hot.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Aventure to the Field

I am starting to rent Spot On, every Wednesday for as long as I can (aka until I move). tonight was our first night. I only took Sniper because I really want to focus on him.

He was really off today, but he had good moments. He is having trouble with his weaves. Popping at the tenth pole, then he wouldn't even weave 6 poles? His entries seemed normal but it was strange. Next time I am there I think I will go back to some 2x2 work, to bring back his confidence.

we also did a couple short sequences and teeter work. His teeter is nice, and his jumping is coming along. I have been doing a lot of more tight turny sequences with him, which I feel is really making his stride too small and he seems to be adding in extra strides. My plan is to work mainly on grids from now on, even though I need the handling work! I want him to be more confident then he already is.

I also introduced the A-Frame tonight. He adored it! I was just getting him comfortable tonight, but I will work more on his form when I return. He offered 2o2o, with out me ever asking him for it on an A-Frame before. Ever. He is to smart sometimes.

I got a couple sequence clips, not much. But something! Taken at the end too.. Hopefully it lightens someones day. Enjoy.

(He skips the tire in the end. Today was his first introduction to it. Hmm, not a good idea in a sequence. Silly me.)

Friday 8 July 2011

Sni Dog 18 months

    Can't believe he has grown so fast, not only in age but is behaviour. He is coming along so nicely in every way. I have learnt a lot already and he continues to show me he is ready to learn too. I have so much fun figuring out things with him and overall just being around him.

    So much in the works for him. I really need to get more in depth with Contact work. Must move on from foundation!

 He is one cool, dude.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Sniper makes his FEO CKC Debut!

The cryptic avenger has hit the stage!

On June 18th, Sniper started his agility career. Well, Sorta. I decided last minute to enter him in two FEO JWW runs just to see what we really need to work on. Little did I know how much he would apply his training, to the ring.

From the moment we got to the site I was impressed with how he was acting, very calm and focused. Though, other dogs seem to be more interesting then me (my fault!) he was awesome at staying with me when I did some practice jump work.

I had no idea what to expect on our first run. Would he run out? Would he see a dog or person of interest outside the ring? I was anxious either way. I got him in there and did a small lead out, which he held perfectly and had a nice focus on me.  After the release it felt so smooth, I was thrilled to have my boy enjoying the ring! He hit his weaves on first try and stayed in them all. He was a bit cautious with jumps, but that was expected. He missed the double in the end but it was none of my concern.

The second run was more of a fault in my eyes. I did another short lead out and he was fixated looking at something so I called to get his attention and he broke his stay. I let it go, because its my fault for not proofing it right. This run felt even more awesome, I decided that I was going to run faster to let him extend more. Which went very well and he extended wonderfully. This time I pushed him past the weave entry, then he got it but popped out. He did complete it after that though. He missed another jump but again, I didn't care. Lovely finish.

I learned a lot this one day of running Sniper. I actually learned to relax, and trust me dog. For NOTING he did "wrong" was even his fault. All my blame. I also noticed just how much he is sensitive to my movement. Which means I have to learn to really REALLY run. I also learned that hard work pays off, A good foundation is key, and that having fun is pretty much all I need. Sure there is much we need to work on. His speed isn't insane fast, and he is going to be a bit distracted at times, but hey, it will all come with time and more hard work.

I also wore a Beatles shirt for several reasons:
-Abbey Road is my favourite album of all time. Its a huge comfort to me.
-Beatles are kickass
-They obviously bring much good luck ;) (hehe)

Here is some video for all you visual people out there, Enjoy! (I sure did!)